Friday, April 30, 2010
Feels Like The Weekend
It's strange being off work today... it kept feeling like the weekend as I'm not normally off on a Friday. I did mange to do some yard work, podcast stuff, and a bit of shopping. It hasn't really hit me that I no longer have a job and that I don't have to go back to that horrible job on Monday. Maybe I'll feel differently on Monday.. but for now it just feels like I'm off for the weekend.
Knights of the Guild Ep 15 pt2
Show Notes:
Here it is Episode 15 part 2 of Knights of the Guild. We hope you enjoy it.
Today’s show features:
- * First up we have a Classic Vorkism.
- * We are recording this weeks podcast live at Charlie’s Internet Cafe
- * We discuss Behind the Scenes of Season 3 Episode 3 - Player Down
- * We have another great fan interview with Eva from Canada
- * We have another installment of Guild Something with Sean Becker
- * We thank our donors.
- * Then Business Time and Goodbye
This podcast was recorded live, you can watch the video on our UStream channel - http://www.ustream.tv/channel/knights-of-the-guild You do need a password to access it. The password is KOTG
Thank you again for all your support, we do this podcast because we are fans and more importantly for the fans.
Kenny & Jenni
Other Important Links
- Knights of the Guild Feeds/Downloads http://knightsoftheguild.com
- Knights of the Guild Daily Blog http://knightsoftheguildpodcast.blogspot.com/
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Last Day with Deadliest Catch
It was a bitter sweet day today. Though I'm extremely excited to be getting off this crazy and chaotic show I'm sad to be leaving my co-workers/friend of the past few years. They are a great group of people and I have found some of life long friends in this bunch.
Today started with a laugh with my office full of balloons, which I did leave in my office until about 4pm, then Will and I popped hundreds of balloons.
For lunch I went out with my post crew, Stu, Lee, Roman, Alex, Tom, JRyan, Ben, Brian and Will. We went to BJ's and had a great goodbye lunch were we celebrated me being let go. When I got back from lunch my loggers Cat, Dan, Amy, Matt and Andrew came into my office with a goodbye cake and card.. it was very sweet.
Towards the end of the day I cleaned out my computer and turned it off for the last time. I went to each person and said my goodbye. It was sad but it's not like I'm going to not ever see these guys again, I just won't be seeing them everyday.
I said my final goodbye to my best buddy and the one person I will miss most Will, gave him one last hug, got in my jeep and drove off.
I don't think it's hit me that I'm not working for this show anymore.. I think it will when I get up tomorrow at 7am and realize I have no where to be.. time to close that chapter in my life and move on to bigger and better... well after I take a few months off :)
Today started with a laugh with my office full of balloons, which I did leave in my office until about 4pm, then Will and I popped hundreds of balloons.
For lunch I went out with my post crew, Stu, Lee, Roman, Alex, Tom, JRyan, Ben, Brian and Will. We went to BJ's and had a great goodbye lunch were we celebrated me being let go. When I got back from lunch my loggers Cat, Dan, Amy, Matt and Andrew came into my office with a goodbye cake and card.. it was very sweet.
Towards the end of the day I cleaned out my computer and turned it off for the last time. I went to each person and said my goodbye. It was sad but it's not like I'm going to not ever see these guys again, I just won't be seeing them everyday.
I said my final goodbye to my best buddy and the one person I will miss most Will, gave him one last hug, got in my jeep and drove off.
I don't think it's hit me that I'm not working for this show anymore.. I think it will when I get up tomorrow at 7am and realize I have no where to be.. time to close that chapter in my life and move on to bigger and better... well after I take a few months off :)

If you remember Will and I have had a back and forth practical joke-a-thon. He just had to get me one last time... it was AWESOME.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
So yesterday I bought this beautiful coat:

Okay, it is purple. It is a little short in the arms, but with something with a long sleeve underneath and maybe a black leather glove, I KNOW IT CAN WORK. it's all about the Jackie O drama-collar and a big pair of shades right?
When I bumped into my girlfriend Luke, I asked him if he thought it was (and it's a favourite question of mine) "TOO FAGGY?".
Pausing for a moment, and mustering a dead-pan manner that you would never imagine possible for someone with PURPLE HAIR, he responded: "well, it IS a ladies coat...."
Throughout my life, as many of you know, I have worn many a woman's garment, with varying responses. Who could forget, at a friends birthday drinks around 6pm at the Gaslight, I showed up in a red satin, leopard printed "secretary" blouse complete with Pussy-Bow, and was subsequently surprised when my entrance to the pub was greeted with an uproar of laughter?
There was also the year or so where I firmly believed a coloured stocking with a matching wig was a veeerrryy good look. At a Auckland Sunday Star Times shoot for "Sexiest Aucklanders" (lol I'll NEVER GET OVER THAT ONE!) I wore an exquisite hot pink silk kimono by Miss Crabb.
I've fallen down stairs in thigh-high lace-up patent leather stripper heels. I don't think I've EVER bought a pair of men's jeans, and most nights of the week, my face will have at the very LEAST a lick of bronzer and a smokey eye courtesy of MAC.
It seems to me, in an age where we should know BETTER, there still remains a stale whiff of meaningless rules regarding what sex can wear what clothing. It doesn't make sense to me. So with that in mind, I'm going to continue to wear WHATEVER THE FUCK I WANT, regardless of whether the garment was designed for someone with a cunt or a cock.
Because lets face it. You don't need a Pussy to wear a pair of heels.....You just need the feet to put in them....

Okay, it is purple. It is a little short in the arms, but with something with a long sleeve underneath and maybe a black leather glove, I KNOW IT CAN WORK. it's all about the Jackie O drama-collar and a big pair of shades right?
When I bumped into my girlfriend Luke, I asked him if he thought it was (and it's a favourite question of mine) "TOO FAGGY?".
Pausing for a moment, and mustering a dead-pan manner that you would never imagine possible for someone with PURPLE HAIR, he responded: "well, it IS a ladies coat...."
Throughout my life, as many of you know, I have worn many a woman's garment, with varying responses. Who could forget, at a friends birthday drinks around 6pm at the Gaslight, I showed up in a red satin, leopard printed "secretary" blouse complete with Pussy-Bow, and was subsequently surprised when my entrance to the pub was greeted with an uproar of laughter?
There was also the year or so where I firmly believed a coloured stocking with a matching wig was a veeerrryy good look. At a Auckland Sunday Star Times shoot for "Sexiest Aucklanders" (lol I'll NEVER GET OVER THAT ONE!) I wore an exquisite hot pink silk kimono by Miss Crabb.
I've fallen down stairs in thigh-high lace-up patent leather stripper heels. I don't think I've EVER bought a pair of men's jeans, and most nights of the week, my face will have at the very LEAST a lick of bronzer and a smokey eye courtesy of MAC.
It seems to me, in an age where we should know BETTER, there still remains a stale whiff of meaningless rules regarding what sex can wear what clothing. It doesn't make sense to me. So with that in mind, I'm going to continue to wear WHATEVER THE FUCK I WANT, regardless of whether the garment was designed for someone with a cunt or a cock.
Because lets face it. You don't need a Pussy to wear a pair of heels.....You just need the feet to put in them....
2nd to Last Day
Today at work I took down all my pictures and backed up my computer. Tomorrow is my final day and I really just want to hang out with my friends/co-workers one last time. I'm sad that I'm leaving them but excited to be leaving the show.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
There is a belief, amongst boring arseholes, that fashion is superficial. I suppose it is easy to form this opinion, given that a lot of the core values of the industry are based upon an obsession with beauty, glamour, youth etc. I guess the reason that this belief has always surprised me, is that it seems to bypass the pure joy of living that fashion celebrates, and the rebellion it stokes against the often dreary, depressive factors that comprise day to day living.
When I was seventeen I went fruit-picking in the apple and pear orchards in the South Island of New Zealand for three months (!). Tripping on Acid for most of the time, and WELL AND TRULY OUT OF MY ELEMENT, I picked up a copy of Marx's Materialistic Conception of History in an op-shop. Marx argues that the basis of all laws and moral codes is the construction of a stable, functioning economy, not any innate willingness of people to do "the right thing". For example, The seven Commandments "Thou shalt not steal" was created so that people would be proactive in creating industries, because they knew that no one would take their shit (protecting the investment of their personal labour), and that if they wanted shit they had to work for it themselves and not steal it.
This had a profound affect on me. Though I had already suspected it, it sealed my belief that the best reason for living was to create Art. For, if we are not put on this earth to tally-up good deeds to ensure entrance to "heaven" (lol), and everything we know about right and wrong is built on the formation of a functioning economy, then surely the best way to spend the brief 75 years or so we have on earth is wrapping ourselves in the world we have created: Music. Art. Film. Literature. Fashion.
Okay so obviously that was a bit of a fucking ramble. My point is, Fashion, I feel, is the least superficial of all the human faculties. The reason? like it says in The Devil Wears Prada: "We Live Our Lives In It". There is not a SINGLE person on earth who is not touched daily by fashion. The first boy you kiss, The first time you fall in love, the first time you have bum sex....all of these things are connected, at the very least physically, to the clothing you were wearing at the time.
Wearing clothing is the easiest way to impact the world around you. It is the quickest way to express who you are, without words or actions. It's true that what we wear is only on the surface-a picture....but that picture can speak a thousand, million, words.....
When I was seventeen I went fruit-picking in the apple and pear orchards in the South Island of New Zealand for three months (!). Tripping on Acid for most of the time, and WELL AND TRULY OUT OF MY ELEMENT, I picked up a copy of Marx's Materialistic Conception of History in an op-shop. Marx argues that the basis of all laws and moral codes is the construction of a stable, functioning economy, not any innate willingness of people to do "the right thing". For example, The seven Commandments "Thou shalt not steal" was created so that people would be proactive in creating industries, because they knew that no one would take their shit (protecting the investment of their personal labour), and that if they wanted shit they had to work for it themselves and not steal it.
This had a profound affect on me. Though I had already suspected it, it sealed my belief that the best reason for living was to create Art. For, if we are not put on this earth to tally-up good deeds to ensure entrance to "heaven" (lol), and everything we know about right and wrong is built on the formation of a functioning economy, then surely the best way to spend the brief 75 years or so we have on earth is wrapping ourselves in the world we have created: Music. Art. Film. Literature. Fashion.
Okay so obviously that was a bit of a fucking ramble. My point is, Fashion, I feel, is the least superficial of all the human faculties. The reason? like it says in The Devil Wears Prada: "We Live Our Lives In It". There is not a SINGLE person on earth who is not touched daily by fashion. The first boy you kiss, The first time you fall in love, the first time you have bum sex....all of these things are connected, at the very least physically, to the clothing you were wearing at the time.
Wearing clothing is the easiest way to impact the world around you. It is the quickest way to express who you are, without words or actions. It's true that what we wear is only on the surface-a picture....but that picture can speak a thousand, million, words.....
Moving On

As you can see from my picture I am extremely happy to be "let go" from this show. The show runner and I don't agree on how post should be ran. I like schedules and keeping things on time.. he doesn't. I like organization and open communication, he doesn't. I like too look at all the episodes as a whole, he likes looking at the one right in front of him and never mind the others ones that are being delayed by using all the resources for that one and only... I can go on.
My job as Post Production Supervisor is a stressful one, it always has been and I understand that, but this kind of extra stress is unnecessary and unwanted. It's better for me health wise to leave and deal with the lesser stress of finding another job. Harry and I got a good amount of money back from our Taxes and though that was suppose to go toward a fence around our house it will now be our back up plan for when I am jobless.
I AM EXTREMELY HAPPY knowing that I will not be on this sinking ship much longer. I feel horrible for leaving all these great people (with a few exceptions) to their fate.. the show will get done and on time, but the stress these guys will go through will be extreme..
I had a great run but it's time to move on to bigger and better.. can't wait to see what the future holds.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Look I realise it's Tuesday, and we're almost half way through the fucking week. It's just that I have a well established tradition on long weekends to absolutley trash myself beyond recognition, as some of you probably know.
Last weekend was rather more hectic than usual as I had my first solo stylist gig on Sunday, with photographer Morgan Hyslop, dressing the girls from http://www.anniieemal.blogspot.com/. They were really cute and totes HOT and I layered them like nobodies business in truckload of feathers and rags and shit. Naturally I'll post a couple of pics up when IM ALLOWED....
but back to last week......
FABULOUS: what I loved last week:

Spring 2010 is heavy on crystal worship (the legal kind) and this little number is the perfect piece to channel your inner pagan goddess or shaman....HAIL TO THE GUARDIANS OF THE WATCHTOWERS OF THE WEST I INVOKE THEE! Think Fairuza Balk in THE CRAFT (the one that goes crazy but wears loads of excellent dog-chokers) and Cher in The Witches of Eastwick....

These two are the owners of new venue HUNKY DOREY SOCIAL CLUB above that seafood Restaurant "the Balkan" on Oxford Street. SWOON!!!! They look like surfers from the 1970's responding to a dare to be hotter than the Kings Of Leon... I managed to get a sly peak at the place, which is under construction, mid last week. ITS OFF THE CHAIN! there are three intimate levels, with an amazing balcony covered in potplants with a mezzanine on top of that with views to the city....I CANT WAIT....

In my fantasy, Mark Ronson is wearing nothing but these shoes, a big grin and telling me he's going to produce my debut album then flicking on his ipod to the song that he made for me with Lily Allen and making love to me for 48 hours.....Seriously is there nothing this man cannot do????? love the polkadots. It's time to get DANDY boys...

Okay IT'S ACTUALLY STARTING TO HURT TO LOOK AT THIS BITCH. She can do no wrong. Shes a satiny Oasis of pastel blue with a touch of Lawrence of Arabia, all held together by a perfectly coloured Birkin and kick-you-in-the-cunt platforms straight from Studio 54. Kill Me.
VILE: what i loathed last week:

So. I was pretty excited about the re-opening of Flinders, especially when I found the majority of the owners are the boys from KSUBI. It was a bit of a let-down. I knew that the crowd would ve-ry Bondi, but figured what with historical hijinks of those boys it would be a special night. It wasn't. Admittedly I didn't stay for long. But essentially the place is a pub. It could be so much MORE! Of course, I will give it a second chance, so hopefully I just got a bad first impression....

Oh, Sheryl. This is a fucking floral dish-rag. NEVER teem a three-quarter dress with boots, it makes you look like a dwarf. Get back to me when you've got a LITTLE RELEVANCE, be it music or fashion.....
oh god how gooood does it look?
GET ON MY SCREEN!!! The original Grey Gardens documentary on the lives of American Aritsocrats and dishevelled Fashion Icons "Big" and "Little" Edie Beale is far and away my favourite doco. HBO has long hyped the release of it's TV series based on the film, starring Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange. I'm so looking forward to seeing Drew in something that isn't a Rom-
Com train-wreck, she actually rules. I CANT GET IT ANYWHERE! surely if they are watching it in the states it must be available SOMEWHERE? Can anyone help?????
Last weekend was rather more hectic than usual as I had my first solo stylist gig on Sunday, with photographer Morgan Hyslop, dressing the girls from http://www.anniieemal.blogspot.com/. They were really cute and totes HOT and I layered them like nobodies business in truckload of feathers and rags and shit. Naturally I'll post a couple of pics up when IM ALLOWED....
but back to last week......
FABULOUS: what I loved last week:

Spring 2010 is heavy on crystal worship (the legal kind) and this little number is the perfect piece to channel your inner pagan goddess or shaman....HAIL TO THE GUARDIANS OF THE WATCHTOWERS OF THE WEST I INVOKE THEE! Think Fairuza Balk in THE CRAFT (the one that goes crazy but wears loads of excellent dog-chokers) and Cher in The Witches of Eastwick....

These two are the owners of new venue HUNKY DOREY SOCIAL CLUB above that seafood Restaurant "the Balkan" on Oxford Street. SWOON!!!! They look like surfers from the 1970's responding to a dare to be hotter than the Kings Of Leon... I managed to get a sly peak at the place, which is under construction, mid last week. ITS OFF THE CHAIN! there are three intimate levels, with an amazing balcony covered in potplants with a mezzanine on top of that with views to the city....I CANT WAIT....

In my fantasy, Mark Ronson is wearing nothing but these shoes, a big grin and telling me he's going to produce my debut album then flicking on his ipod to the song that he made for me with Lily Allen and making love to me for 48 hours.....Seriously is there nothing this man cannot do????? love the polkadots. It's time to get DANDY boys...

Okay IT'S ACTUALLY STARTING TO HURT TO LOOK AT THIS BITCH. She can do no wrong. Shes a satiny Oasis of pastel blue with a touch of Lawrence of Arabia, all held together by a perfectly coloured Birkin and kick-you-in-the-cunt platforms straight from Studio 54. Kill Me.
VILE: what i loathed last week:

So. I was pretty excited about the re-opening of Flinders, especially when I found the majority of the owners are the boys from KSUBI. It was a bit of a let-down. I knew that the crowd would ve-ry Bondi, but figured what with historical hijinks of those boys it would be a special night. It wasn't. Admittedly I didn't stay for long. But essentially the place is a pub. It could be so much MORE! Of course, I will give it a second chance, so hopefully I just got a bad first impression....

Oh, Sheryl. This is a fucking floral dish-rag. NEVER teem a three-quarter dress with boots, it makes you look like a dwarf. Get back to me when you've got a LITTLE RELEVANCE, be it music or fashion.....
oh god how gooood does it look?
GET ON MY SCREEN!!! The original Grey Gardens documentary on the lives of American Aritsocrats and dishevelled Fashion Icons "Big" and "Little" Edie Beale is far and away my favourite doco. HBO has long hyped the release of it's TV series based on the film, starring Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange. I'm so looking forward to seeing Drew in something that isn't a Rom-
Com train-wreck, she actually rules. I CANT GET IT ANYWHERE! surely if they are watching it in the states it must be available SOMEWHERE? Can anyone help?????
Okay, Okay so obviously I've been a little absent blog-wise of late. It's just that, what with alllll of the insanity of the long ANZAC weekend, the truth is I'm still recovering from a vvvvverrrryyyyy big weekend.....
Anyhow I awoke to find M.I.A's new music video "Born Free". It's kinda a little more gutsy and almost punkish than a lot of her other stuff, and even though the story for the clip is about Rangy Gingas, it rocks me to my very core:
Gimme a coupe of hours, twenty coffees and a half pack of Peter Styvesants to get what's left of my mind back, and I'll post my list of The Fabulous and the Vile of last week. ...
Anyhow I awoke to find M.I.A's new music video "Born Free". It's kinda a little more gutsy and almost punkish than a lot of her other stuff, and even though the story for the clip is about Rangy Gingas, it rocks me to my very core:
Gimme a coupe of hours, twenty coffees and a half pack of Peter Styvesants to get what's left of my mind back, and I'll post my list of The Fabulous and the Vile of last week. ...
Work Woes Continue
Well it's been a week since I sat down with my two supervisors and they informed me that the show runner on the show I'm currently working asked for me to be replaced. Still don't really know what's going on, haven't heard from anyone. The show runner didn't talk to me all last week (with 1 exception where he asked me to help one of the editors out).
But the building manager came to me around 3pm and said, "I heard you were leaving" I was like really?? I then explained the past few weeks and said I had heard they were going to replace me but I haven't gotten any confirmation of when. He said that one of my supervisors that I had talked to last week told him that "Tim" would be coming in on Wednesday and will be running Max Post from here on out. I told him.. well this is the first I've heard of it. I have been waiting to hear any news at to my fate on this job. So I immediately called my supervisor and asked if I was being replaced on Wednesday with a guy named Tim. She was surprised that I knew but said that they had only interviewed a guy named Tim for my position but nothing has been set in stone yet.
So I'm back at square one. I'm fairly sure that I will be leaving this show just not sure when. For me the sooner the better as the not knowing part is kind of stressful.
But the building manager came to me around 3pm and said, "I heard you were leaving" I was like really?? I then explained the past few weeks and said I had heard they were going to replace me but I haven't gotten any confirmation of when. He said that one of my supervisors that I had talked to last week told him that "Tim" would be coming in on Wednesday and will be running Max Post from here on out. I told him.. well this is the first I've heard of it. I have been waiting to hear any news at to my fate on this job. So I immediately called my supervisor and asked if I was being replaced on Wednesday with a guy named Tim. She was surprised that I knew but said that they had only interviewed a guy named Tim for my position but nothing has been set in stone yet.
So I'm back at square one. I'm fairly sure that I will be leaving this show just not sure when. For me the sooner the better as the not knowing part is kind of stressful.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Our House Warming
Got up early today and started cleaning, my job was cleaning all the rooms while Harry was doing all the floors. I started in the Guest room, then guest bathroom. I moved to the kitchen, living room, dining room and TV room. Then I did the master bathroom and master bedroom before finally finishing with the office. One last thing I did was put up "Before" pictures of major changes we made to the house, we had gone to Target the day before and printed out some 5x7 photos. I wasn't able to put up my Jason Palmer prints as it would take so much time to get them just right and I didn't want to do it half-ass.
Both Harry and I got done around 11:15am and Harry needed to get cleaned up as I had taken a shower when I got up. So he went to get ready and I went outback and started to set up the back deck and clean off all the chairs and tables. Once I was done with that we started to get the beer and soda ready as well as the chips and dip. We were ready!!!!
First person showed up around 12:30ish and then it was as steady flow of coming and goings. In all we had about 25 people show up. Couldn't ask for a more beautiful day, it was in the high 70's, there was a slight breeze (that disappeared for a while) and not a cloud in the sky. Everyone that came loved the house, loved our paint selections, loved the decorations we choose, loved the remodels that we did.. it was a great feeling to knowing all that hard work we put into this house really paid off and we worth all the blood, sweat and tears.
Folks really liked the "Before" photos, so glad we came up with that idea. And of course the backyard was everyone's favorite as we have one of the best views and it was so beautiful outside.
All in all it was a great house warming BBQ.
I'd like to Thank all those who Trekked out for the event. It's quite a drive but well worth it.
You can see more picture on my facebook page here.
Both Harry and I got done around 11:15am and Harry needed to get cleaned up as I had taken a shower when I got up. So he went to get ready and I went outback and started to set up the back deck and clean off all the chairs and tables. Once I was done with that we started to get the beer and soda ready as well as the chips and dip. We were ready!!!!
Folks really liked the "Before" photos, so glad we came up with that idea. And of course the backyard was everyone's favorite as we have one of the best views and it was so beautiful outside.
All in all it was a great house warming BBQ.
I'd like to Thank all those who Trekked out for the event. It's quite a drive but well worth it.
You can see more picture on my facebook page here.
Haircuts! and Makeup...
Its Claire, and let me just say I am in a fine and dandy mood.
First of all, right now I am getting a backrub :D
Secondly I cut three peoples hair this week, and I am quite satisfied with how the results turned out.
Thirdly, I did like 10 peoples makeup last night for a James Bond themed frat formal. HEAVEN.
It was magical, and I loved every moment of it.
As for myself, I stayed in with my lovely friend Mollee and watched 30 rock... WHICH IS HILARIOUS!
I don't have any pictures of the makeup I did because I was in such a rush to get everyone done, but just trust me when I say every one looked DEEEEVIIIIIIIINE.
However, here is a picture of my roommate Megan's new pixie cut, and my down-the-hall neighbor Robyn's freshly bouncy bangs and long layers.

MUCH more loveliness to come, as SCHOOL IS ALMOST OUT
and I have been dreaming of dark lashes, dewy cheeks and blackberry lips for AGES.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Day Before House Warming
Today Harry and I have a ton of things to do before tomorrow. We were finally having our house warming party after 1 failed attempt back in Feburary when it was rained out. This time around it looks to be sunny and beautiful outside.
We've done a ton of work on the house and it's finally feeling like a home. We still need a few things like rug for our dining room and a coffee table to our living room but for the most part things look good. Today we focused one big thing and lots of small things. We knew we were going to wait to do the big cleaning tomorrow morning so today I worked on finishing up our
"Star Trek" plate wall (it turned out GREAT). I worked on the Jason Palmer prints and putting them into their frames (which was a pain in the butt because they had to be just center). Harry got up and started to prep the hardwood floors and get them ready for their good cleaning tomorrow. We went shopping one last time for air blower, weed whacker and a few other items. I kept putting off the large project because I wasn't looking forward to doing it.
Finally there was nothing left to do and it was getting dark so I tackled the one big project in our office. When we painted a few months back we left an entire wall white as a friend of mine Greg Aronowitz is going to paint us a Star Trek Mural. Well he's such a busy guy and just hasn't had the time to do it and we've been looking at
this white wall for 8 months and since it was our housewarming tomorrow I decided I was going to paint it.. so while we were out we purchased a gallon of the accent color in that room and started to paint. The hardest part was pulling the 2 desks back and trying not to break anything. I had about two feet of space between the wall and desks. It was tough trying to maneuver the ladder in such a small space and also not step in the paint tray. What was crazy is that the easiest part of the job was the actually painting and when I
pulled off the painters tape the line were actually in good shape that I didn't feel I needed to repaint anything (I was so excited).
Later that night we went shopping for the BBQ, had to pick up hot dogs, hamburger, beer, soda and a much of other sides. There were 26 yes invites and 13 maybes so we bought food for 40 just to be on the safe side.
So all we have to do now is put up my Jason Palmer pictures and do one final cleaning of the house before noon tomorrow.
Man am I'm sore after painting.. I'm not as young as I use to be. :)
We've done a ton of work on the house and it's finally feeling like a home. We still need a few things like rug for our dining room and a coffee table to our living room but for the most part things look good. Today we focused one big thing and lots of small things. We knew we were going to wait to do the big cleaning tomorrow morning so today I worked on finishing up our
Finally there was nothing left to do and it was getting dark so I tackled the one big project in our office. When we painted a few months back we left an entire wall white as a friend of mine Greg Aronowitz is going to paint us a Star Trek Mural. Well he's such a busy guy and just hasn't had the time to do it and we've been looking at
Later that night we went shopping for the BBQ, had to pick up hot dogs, hamburger, beer, soda and a much of other sides. There were 26 yes invites and 13 maybes so we bought food for 40 just to be on the safe side.
So all we have to do now is put up my Jason Palmer pictures and do one final cleaning of the house before noon tomorrow.
Man am I'm sore after painting.. I'm not as young as I use to be. :)
Friday, April 23, 2010
Just because drugstores also sell adult diapers doesn't mean that they aren't a good place for make up!
Granted, certain products are worth paying the extra moolah for at Sephora, but often times you can find great, fun products at your local Rite Aid!
Case in point:
Covergirl Outlast Lipstain

I love this, its like a permanent marker for your lips, comes in fantastic shades, and lip stains are a lovely alternative to lipstick.
Its my product of the moment!
okie dokie
The Last Airbender
Today they released the full trailer for M. Night Shyamalan new movie The Last Airbender. It's based on a cartoon and it looks AWESOME.. I can't wait for this one.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
As has probably been established, I'm a total whore for a fur coat. I'm talking a spread-my-legs, pillow biting, eager little hussy, who's more than happy to DO ANYTHING in pursuit of a good fur. Actually scratch that. The fur doesn't even have to be particularly good. The tattier, more fucked-out it is, the more I love it....
I know there are those of you out there who disagree, in light of the cruelty necessary to produce a fur coat. I shudder at the logistics myself. But fuck it, millions of animals are slaughtered annually for everything from food to acrylic nail glue SO WHATEVES BABES, in for a penny in for a pound, YOU GOTTA MAKE HAY WHILE THE SUN SHINES, and if they they're gonna be killed anyway we might as well get something really pretty for our wardrobes right????
In celebration of the beauty, the glamour and the downright GENIUS of fur, I'm gonna share with ya'll two of my favourite clips involving chicas with Fur...and, YES, they are both black AND WHAT NIGGA?
What is that Diana, Like 50 minks? Then you just throw it on the stage like it ain't no thang? GOOD GIRL!
Okay so she's not technically WEARING IT, but she has covered every conceivable surface in the pelt of a very rare jungle cat, THAT"S GOTTA COUNT FOR SOMETHING....PS this is like, my favourite song ever, obviously.....
I know there are those of you out there who disagree, in light of the cruelty necessary to produce a fur coat. I shudder at the logistics myself. But fuck it, millions of animals are slaughtered annually for everything from food to acrylic nail glue SO WHATEVES BABES, in for a penny in for a pound, YOU GOTTA MAKE HAY WHILE THE SUN SHINES, and if they they're gonna be killed anyway we might as well get something really pretty for our wardrobes right????
In celebration of the beauty, the glamour and the downright GENIUS of fur, I'm gonna share with ya'll two of my favourite clips involving chicas with Fur...and, YES, they are both black AND WHAT NIGGA?
What is that Diana, Like 50 minks? Then you just throw it on the stage like it ain't no thang? GOOD GIRL!
Okay so she's not technically WEARING IT, but she has covered every conceivable surface in the pelt of a very rare jungle cat, THAT"S GOTTA COUNT FOR SOMETHING....PS this is like, my favourite song ever, obviously.....
Hyundai Eon
Hyundai Eon

Inside, the car can be equipped with air conditioning, power steering, electric windows and mirrors, Bluetooth connectivity, height adjustable steering wheel, fog lights and airbag for the driver, items such as ABS brakes and stability control will not be part of the Hyundai Eon.
The small car will have an engine with 56 hp and 800 cm3, is notable for low fuel consumption, 1 liter of gasoline every 21km.

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Hyundai Eon |
Eon is the smallest car ever made by Hyundai. It's a compact car with 772 kg weight, it measures 3.49 m long, 1.50 m high and 1.55 wide.
Inside, the car can be equipped with air conditioning, power steering, electric windows and mirrors, Bluetooth connectivity, height adjustable steering wheel, fog lights and airbag for the driver, items such as ABS brakes and stability control will not be part of the Hyundai Eon.
The small car will have an engine with 56 hp and 800 cm3, is notable for low fuel consumption, 1 liter of gasoline every 21km.
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Hyundai Eon interior |
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
So yesterday I assisted on this AMAZING beauty shoot.
The story was about these trashy rich bitches in furs and Armani and Cavalli and Barbara Hutton-esque jewels (as in the woolworth heiress who, in the depths of the 1930's Great Depression inherited $150 mill only to die 50 years later with $2000 in her chequeing account after pissing ALL of her fortune away, mostly on jewels that she then gave away to strangers, INCLUDING a tiara made for CATHERINE THE GREAT!) and loads of slutty latex and silky lingerie.
Here's a lil' sneak peak.

After we wrapped, Cassie and I realized that we (like most in the fashion industry) were STARVING!!! In a stroke of genius, she suggested we get some Singaporean Mudcrab at this dodgy little upstairs restaurant with pussy-pink muslin curtains and a big happy chinese lookin' guy on the sign outside:

who's a happy crabman???

Congratulating ourselves on discovering a new hidden treasure of Sydney Dining, on the way out we were confronted BY THIS:

Sometimes it feels like you can't even scratch your fucking arse in this town without the Ronnies having already been there, done that! You gotta give it to the girls though, they know a thing or two about CRABS....it was delicious....lol!
The story was about these trashy rich bitches in furs and Armani and Cavalli and Barbara Hutton-esque jewels (as in the woolworth heiress who, in the depths of the 1930's Great Depression inherited $150 mill only to die 50 years later with $2000 in her chequeing account after pissing ALL of her fortune away, mostly on jewels that she then gave away to strangers, INCLUDING a tiara made for CATHERINE THE GREAT!) and loads of slutty latex and silky lingerie.
Here's a lil' sneak peak.

After we wrapped, Cassie and I realized that we (like most in the fashion industry) were STARVING!!! In a stroke of genius, she suggested we get some Singaporean Mudcrab at this dodgy little upstairs restaurant with pussy-pink muslin curtains and a big happy chinese lookin' guy on the sign outside:

who's a happy crabman???


Congratulating ourselves on discovering a new hidden treasure of Sydney Dining, on the way out we were confronted BY THIS:
Sometimes it feels like you can't even scratch your fucking arse in this town without the Ronnies having already been there, done that! You gotta give it to the girls though, they know a thing or two about CRABS....it was delicious....lol!
Podcasting and Stuff

After that I did a little editing work on the episode. Earlier that day I had gotten the Sean Becker Guild Something segment and so I cut in both of those segments. So all is left to do is cut in the SFX and do one final pass before I level it, convert it and then upload it.
I won't be posted until the End of April (I'm thinking Friday April 30th)
Gotta start planning to record our next episode.. man for a hobby this takes up alot of my time. :)
Guild Comic

The Latest Trends in Tattoo Designs

Tattoo designs are becoming increasing popular. The older mind set of negativity towards tattoos are being phased out as they are quickly becoming the latest trend. The older generations are not happy about this idea, but are having to learn to accept it, the younger generation is welcoming the trend with open hands.
There are several reasons people get tattoos. The most obvious, as well as the most common, is the meaning behind the design. The idea for these designs tends to be brought about by spiritual ideas. Many people want to be able to wear their heritage with pride.
Remembrance tattoos have also become quite popular. Many people like to remember their lost loved one by having a tattoo done in their honor. This is often a sign of respect also. These designs will often contain the name of the person, but not always. Often a special symbol that has a certain meaning or memory directed towards that person is used instead.
Both men and women alike enjoy the angel wing tattoo that covers their entire back. These wings have a spiritual meaning, but are often used for their physical appearance. Depending on whether it is a man or a women that receives the tattoo it will have a more feminine or masculine touch. Depending on the preference of the person as well, color may be used to fill in the wings rather than black ink.
Flowers incorporated into the design are also quite popular. Girls will often times get this tattoo because of its physical appearance, as it attracts the eye. However, it also has spiritual meaning behind it. The flower represents the circle of life, death, and rebirth.
Positive messages, and hope for the future are often written on the person body. However, these messages are rarely written in the form of English words. Typically the message is seen in languages that can be written in symbols and designs rather than words.
Tattoos are extremely addicting. It is more common than not that a person will receive a single tattoo and then soon after receive another. With the increasing approval of society this is becoming more and more true. People wear their visible tattoos with pride and respect rather than hide them away as they used to. This is a nice way for the person to add a unique mark to themselves and to show their individuality.
The Worst Tattoo Sleeve Trends

Tribal Sleeve - Leo Zulueta is credited with bringing tribal style tattooing from the South Pacific to the United States in the late 70's. But is was George Clooney's character in the movie From Dusk Till Dawn that caused the tribal sleeve to explode in popularity. Tribal sleeves may be the worst sleeve trend of all as they take another peoples tattoo culture, remove all the meaning and mock the origins of tattoo designs that date back centuries. They are also next to impossible to cover up once tattoo regret sets in.
Biomechanical Sleeve - Biomechanical tattooing was pioneered by tattoo artist like Aaron Cain and other tattooist in the San Francisco bay area. A breakaway from traditional style American tattooing, biomechanical uses images of the human flesh mixed with machine parts. Basically biomechanical tattoos mix organic images with inorganic images. It quickly became over used.
Flame Sleeve - No clear origins on the flame sleeve but whoever created it should be ashamed. The sleeve is not only hard to look at but is unbelievable boring for the tattoo artist. Flame tattoos are not only a waste of good skin but will also prove difficult to cover.
Random Cool Stuff Sleeve - A twist on the American style hodgepodge sleeve that is acquired over time, the random cool stuff sleeve is acquired quickly. The images often include skulls, flowers, brass knuckles, something with wings,maybe a couple of flames. A newer variation on this sleeve is to get random candy pieces or random kids toys tattooed as a sleeve.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Work - Wow
Well today I got a call from my supervisor about my email yesterday. She was really pushing for me to take the new job and I got a feeling so I asked, "Are they letting me going sooner then later? Is that why you are trying to get me to take the other job?" She didn't come out and tell me but I told her that I was fine if they let me go early, I'm very unhappy here and would rather be unemployed and able to look for another job then stay here for another 3 months. And if I'm let go I can collect unemployment insurance which will help while I'm looking for work. So I guess it's just a mater of time before they let me go. Was suppose to have a meeting with the show runner but it never happened.. will see if it happens today.
Everything is re-he-he-he-hEALLY hectic right now.
I've just worked my balls off assisting on a film shoot, on 12 hour days starting at 5am (!) with only plunger coffee and NOT EVEN a hint of crystal meth. I have entered a kind of whoozey, shrunken eyed, half alive state that I imagine my bonghead friends (you know who you are) inhabit constantly....
Tommorow I'm working on a shoot for Noise Magazine. The stylist I'm assisting ( Cassandra Scott-Finn ) is the kind of girl that has more furs than Elizabeth Taylor, more shoes than Imelda Marcos and more feathers than Big Bird. I'll let you know how it goes......
Anywho, a couple of weeks back, I discovered this chick:
BUNNY HOLIDAY & POP LEVI: "teach me how to bunny"
She's just the sort of bitch I have mucho respect for. She's slutty-lookin'. She like's a fur. She's starving-looking. And even though she has no talent to speak of (other than being able to give bangin' fellatio to record company executives) she's gonna release her own music. And THEN just to spite those haters, she's gonna be sooo bored she barely opens her mouth to sing ANYWAY MMMMKAY!
I thought I'd share. It's so fucking good hey.
I've just worked my balls off assisting on a film shoot, on 12 hour days starting at 5am (!) with only plunger coffee and NOT EVEN a hint of crystal meth. I have entered a kind of whoozey, shrunken eyed, half alive state that I imagine my bonghead friends (you know who you are) inhabit constantly....
Tommorow I'm working on a shoot for Noise Magazine. The stylist I'm assisting ( Cassandra Scott-Finn ) is the kind of girl that has more furs than Elizabeth Taylor, more shoes than Imelda Marcos and more feathers than Big Bird. I'll let you know how it goes......
Anywho, a couple of weeks back, I discovered this chick:
BUNNY HOLIDAY & POP LEVI: "teach me how to bunny"
She's just the sort of bitch I have mucho respect for. She's slutty-lookin'. She like's a fur. She's starving-looking. And even though she has no talent to speak of (other than being able to give bangin' fellatio to record company executives) she's gonna release her own music. And THEN just to spite those haters, she's gonna be sooo bored she barely opens her mouth to sing ANYWAY MMMMKAY!
I thought I'd share. It's so fucking good hey.
Tutti Fruity
Monday, April 19, 2010
Tron Shirts

Work - Made My Choice
Well I talked with Harry over the weekend and as much as I dislike my current job I can't take a demotion in position and a pay cut. Also Comic Con is at the end of July, Harry's family will be coming in from Austria in July/August and he and I plan to travel the west coast a bit in August. So if I took the new job I wouldn't be able to do all that as I wouldn't be able to take six weeks off of work.
So I'm going to email my supervisor and say thanks but no thanks I'll stick it out until this job ends.
So I'm going to email my supervisor and say thanks but no thanks I'll stick it out until this job ends.
I've always been hysterically fond of Grace Jones. An unflinching beast of a performer (in a good way), not only does she always look the bestest, she's even more off the chain and unapologetic in her advanced years:

Through the blaring mindfuckery of her album covers and the odd paparazzi picture in the media, I've always been aware also that she is completely psychotic. I even once read in a magazine that our Grace went to a party in the late '70's entirely NAKED aside from a necklace made FROM THE SKELETON OF A MONKEY! GENIUS!
Today on style.com, I read that this raving looney has ACTUALLY TURNED DOWN THE GA to collaborate on a song that would probably make her sssssssqqqqquuuiiiiilllllliiiiiooooonnnnssss!!!!
"Grace Jones is not a fan of Lady Gaga. Mostly because she is pissed off that she is making her gig work payoff twenty years later. Grace was the 70’s-80’s avant-garde equivalent to Gaga. She was a Studio 54 star back in the day and a one-time Andry Warhol muse…and she is not amused that Gaga is cashing in on the weird girl schtick better than she ever did.
She is so not amused that she refuses to collaborate with her.
“I really don’t think of her at all. I go about my business,” Grace told the UK’s Guardian newspaper.
The singer/model/actress and all around legend told the newspaper that the reports were true – Gaga had asked to collaborate with her — but Grace turned Gaga down.
“Yes, she did, but I said no,” Grace said. “I’d just prefer to work with someone who is more original and someone who is not copying me, actually.”
When asked if she thinks Gaga borrowed style ideas from her she replied, “Well, you know, I’ve seen some things she’s worn that I’ve worn, and that does kind of piss me off,” she told the newspaper. “I wouldn’t go to see her,”
Fair enough Grace, though shame about the truckloads of money from the duet that she could of used to buy WHOLE CONTINENTS worth of animal bones to make into jewellery.
I have to wonder though, why, after Lady Ga was savagely upstaged by Beyonce in both "Videophone" and "Telephone" filmclips, she wants to place her skinny southern-fried-chicken-starved body next to yet ANOTHER bootylicious homegirl?
Don't get me wrong, I love the Ga. We All do. But Beyonce and Grace? THOSE NIGGERS GOT SOUL..... Ga Ga needs to learn to leave well alone.......

Through the blaring mindfuckery of her album covers and the odd paparazzi picture in the media, I've always been aware also that she is completely psychotic. I even once read in a magazine that our Grace went to a party in the late '70's entirely NAKED aside from a necklace made FROM THE SKELETON OF A MONKEY! GENIUS!
Today on style.com, I read that this raving looney has ACTUALLY TURNED DOWN THE GA to collaborate on a song that would probably make her sssssssqqqqquuuiiiiilllllliiiiiooooonnnnssss!!!!
"Grace Jones is not a fan of Lady Gaga. Mostly because she is pissed off that she is making her gig work payoff twenty years later. Grace was the 70’s-80’s avant-garde equivalent to Gaga. She was a Studio 54 star back in the day and a one-time Andry Warhol muse…and she is not amused that Gaga is cashing in on the weird girl schtick better than she ever did.
She is so not amused that she refuses to collaborate with her.
“I really don’t think of her at all. I go about my business,” Grace told the UK’s Guardian newspaper.
The singer/model/actress and all around legend told the newspaper that the reports were true – Gaga had asked to collaborate with her — but Grace turned Gaga down.
“Yes, she did, but I said no,” Grace said. “I’d just prefer to work with someone who is more original and someone who is not copying me, actually.”
When asked if she thinks Gaga borrowed style ideas from her she replied, “Well, you know, I’ve seen some things she’s worn that I’ve worn, and that does kind of piss me off,” she told the newspaper. “I wouldn’t go to see her,”
Fair enough Grace, though shame about the truckloads of money from the duet that she could of used to buy WHOLE CONTINENTS worth of animal bones to make into jewellery.
I have to wonder though, why, after Lady Ga was savagely upstaged by Beyonce in both "Videophone" and "Telephone" filmclips, she wants to place her skinny southern-fried-chicken-starved body next to yet ANOTHER bootylicious homegirl?
Don't get me wrong, I love the Ga. We All do. But Beyonce and Grace? THOSE NIGGERS GOT SOUL..... Ga Ga needs to learn to leave well alone.......
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Harry and I went shopping again, seems like this is all we do on weekends, but we needed to find some borders for some picture frames that we got the previous week for my Jason Palmer Art for our TV room. While we were out I wanted to see if we could find some night stands for our guest bedroom.

We started at Ikea as we had looked everywhere for night stands and couldn't find ones we liked. After walking through the entire store we found some very cool night stands that we both liked.
Next we purchased a side table lamp. We want something a bit funky and found a really cool sphere light. We also picked up some round candles for our candle sticks that are sitting on our mantle.
After that we had lunch/dinner at Chevy's then headed to Michael's to get the borders for the picture frames. There are six pictures so we opted to get three dark green and three dark blue borders for the picture.. they should compliment them well.
We started at Ikea as we had looked everywhere for night stands and couldn't find ones we liked. After walking through the entire store we found some very cool night stands that we both liked.

After that we had lunch/dinner at Chevy's then headed to Michael's to get the borders for the picture frames. There are six pictures so we opted to get three dark green and three dark blue borders for the picture.. they should compliment them well.
Jeep Top

I finally purchased one about five months ago and it's been sitting in my closet waiting to be put on. Now it sat there partly because I was lazy but in the instructions it says that when replacing the top it needs to be at least 70 degrees so the canvas will stretch. Well I could only do it on weekends and it seemed every weekend it was either cold or rainy and I couldn't do it.. on the weekends it was nice outside we would do something else and I would totally forget.
Anyways long story short when I took the dog out this morning the sun was beaming down and it felt very hot (and it was only 8:30am). So I check the temp and it was only 52 degrees but man did it feel hotter so I took a chance and decided that I was going to replace the top.
I read through the instruction, and I had to remove the old top.. once that was removed it was so much easier to understand the instructions as all I had to do was copy what I did to take off the top but backwards. It took about an hour and a half but I finally got everything back on and it looks great. I thought it was actually going to be very snug but it's actually kind of loose.. not too loose but not as tight as I had expected. Haven't taken it on the freeway yet so that will the real test.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Aunt Joyce's 50th Birthday
Today Harry and I headed down to my Mom's place for my Aunt's 50th Birthday party. Mom didn't want to do an "over the hill" party so instead she did a Hawaiian theme since my Aunt loves Hawaii. I went out the day before on my lunch and picked up a few "Hawaiian" shirts so we were set. It's funny as my Aunt was 10 years old when I was born, which makes me feel even older knowing that she is 50 which means I'll be 40 this year.
The party was a lot of fun, got to see lots of family that I don't get to see very often. It was great seeing my Aunt Paula and cousin Kathy who I haven't see since the death of my Uncle Richard five or so years ago. Got to spend some time with my Aunt Linda who I see very rarely and of course it's always nice to spend some time with my nephew Kenobi. And hanging with my Mom is always great as I don't get to do it as often as I would like.
We didn't get to stay as long as we would have liked.. my mom lives two hours away so that's four hour on the road already and Daisy can stay in the house for about 9 hours before she has to go outside.. so we stayed for about five hours before heading out.
It's always fun spending time with the family.. maybe it's because we don't do it very often so the time we do spend together is very special.
The party was a lot of fun, got to see lots of family that I don't get to see very often. It was great seeing my Aunt Paula and cousin Kathy who I haven't see since the death of my Uncle Richard five or so years ago. Got to spend some time with my Aunt Linda who I see very rarely and of course it's always nice to spend some time with my nephew Kenobi. And hanging with my Mom is always great as I don't get to do it as often as I would like.
We didn't get to stay as long as we would have liked.. my mom lives two hours away so that's four hour on the road already and Daisy can stay in the house for about 9 hours before she has to go outside.. so we stayed for about five hours before heading out.
It's always fun spending time with the family.. maybe it's because we don't do it very often so the time we do spend together is very special.
FABULOUS: what I'm loving this week....
Die Antwoord-"Beat Boy":
I was only just exposed to this hot mess and it's fair to say I'm completely losing my shit over it. If ever there has been a moment when I've wanted to uproot my life and move to a South African trailer park with a twelve year old blonde hooker IT IS NOW!
Faux Fur:

So I got this for a song at Mr Stinky on Cleveland Street. It's all about giving Leon Andre Talley a run for his money and teeming it with a brightly coloured pant and a shirt and a tie. Alternatively, a slouchy boot and some sloppy trackies would be a verrrrrry good thing.....
Food Fabric:

The endlessly talented (and basically the only heterosexual man I know who isn't a complete pig) Paulie Bonomelli is making something out of this fabric at the mo. It's TOTALLY AMAZEBOMBS! He works heaps with Romance was Born, but he makes his own shit too and it's NEXT LEVEL.....
American Apparel BUTT magazine tee:

LOVE IT! the peachy-salmon hue matches perfectly the sweet little ring of every boy you've ever loved (or rimmed).....
Wearing clashing patterns:

Dare anyone NOT TO LOOK AT YOU by smashing their eyes with hypnotic, clash-fash patterns....
Rainbow Hair:

Now that you're a grown up, you can dye your hair ANY fucking colour you want!....As merciless style icons Emma Mulholland and Luke Sales illustrate, ANY means EVERY!
VILE: what I'm loathing this week....
Jlo "Louboutins:
Jlo is soooo over. It's kinda sad. What is she doing trying to copy Beyonces "very bad bad girl gaga" line???? Even if she's being tongue in cheek it SMACKS of desperation. At least she's still got, ahem, her acting career....oh, wait.....
SJP on the cover of Vogue:

No. I'm really, truly sorry, but I will NOT accept SJP as a style icon. We all have our guilty little Sex and The City moments, and yes, Patricia Field IS an amazing stylist, but this dried up, veiny-handed ole bag o' bones (and not in the good way) has gotsda go....
The only people going out are fucking hens:

With what feels like SECONDS before the start of Sydney Fashion Week, everyone is staying up all night pulling together collections, shooting, assisting, calling their mum and crying and just generally FREAKIN' OUT and staying locked up in studios instead of taking pingas and going out till 2pm...
Toy Watches:

Remember when everyone had a Baby G? You can't go to the fucking convenience store these days without seeing twenty million Toy Watches on the wrist of funkster losers AND I'M SICK OF IT!!!!
Die Antwoord-"Beat Boy":
I was only just exposed to this hot mess and it's fair to say I'm completely losing my shit over it. If ever there has been a moment when I've wanted to uproot my life and move to a South African trailer park with a twelve year old blonde hooker IT IS NOW!
Faux Fur:

So I got this for a song at Mr Stinky on Cleveland Street. It's all about giving Leon Andre Talley a run for his money and teeming it with a brightly coloured pant and a shirt and a tie. Alternatively, a slouchy boot and some sloppy trackies would be a verrrrrry good thing.....
Food Fabric:

The endlessly talented (and basically the only heterosexual man I know who isn't a complete pig) Paulie Bonomelli is making something out of this fabric at the mo. It's TOTALLY AMAZEBOMBS! He works heaps with Romance was Born, but he makes his own shit too and it's NEXT LEVEL.....
American Apparel BUTT magazine tee:

LOVE IT! the peachy-salmon hue matches perfectly the sweet little ring of every boy you've ever loved (or rimmed).....
Wearing clashing patterns:

Dare anyone NOT TO LOOK AT YOU by smashing their eyes with hypnotic, clash-fash patterns....
Rainbow Hair:
Now that you're a grown up, you can dye your hair ANY fucking colour you want!....As merciless style icons Emma Mulholland and Luke Sales illustrate, ANY means EVERY!
VILE: what I'm loathing this week....
Jlo "Louboutins:
Jlo is soooo over. It's kinda sad. What is she doing trying to copy Beyonces "very bad bad girl gaga" line???? Even if she's being tongue in cheek it SMACKS of desperation. At least she's still got, ahem, her acting career....oh, wait.....
SJP on the cover of Vogue:

No. I'm really, truly sorry, but I will NOT accept SJP as a style icon. We all have our guilty little Sex and The City moments, and yes, Patricia Field IS an amazing stylist, but this dried up, veiny-handed ole bag o' bones (and not in the good way) has gotsda go....
The only people going out are fucking hens:
With what feels like SECONDS before the start of Sydney Fashion Week, everyone is staying up all night pulling together collections, shooting, assisting, calling their mum and crying and just generally FREAKIN' OUT and staying locked up in studios instead of taking pingas and going out till 2pm...
Toy Watches:

Remember when everyone had a Baby G? You can't go to the fucking convenience store these days without seeing twenty million Toy Watches on the wrist of funkster losers AND I'M SICK OF IT!!!!
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