Peter Billingsley

Merry Christmas! Isn't Ralphie cute now? Did you know he (Peter Billingsley) is best friends with Vince Vaughn? He also exec produced Iron Man and Four Christmases. Who knew?

Peter Billingsley

The Thrill of the Cast Album - This morning on my way to work I did something I haven't done in a while: listened to a brand new cast album from a new musical. Mind you, I grew up doing this ritual (when they were actual albums). As a child, I loved going in my bedroom and playing a Broadway musical...seeing it all in my mind (as I lived in Texas and didn't see a real Broadway show until my first visit to NYC in summer of '84).

Peter Billingsley

christmas kids.. where are they now? As any psychotic Christmas fiend knows, the second that summer is over, it's fair game to start bedazzling your house with string-up lights, blasting *N Sync holiday tunes, & harassing your friends for their wishlists. If you don't believe me, ask the Macy's Christmas store in the damn mall -- they've had their seasons greetings shit rarin' to go since August.

Peter Billingsley

What Happened to Peter Billingsley (Ralphie) from A Christmas Story? Remember cute little Ralphie (Peter Billingsley) from the movie A Christmas Story? What ever happened to him? After the movie in 1983 he did some more acting. In 1984 Billingsley starred in an adaptation of The Hoboken Chicken Emergency with Dick Van Patten and Gabe Kaplan, a special Thanksgiving episode of the PBS series WonderWorks. He also appeared on a special edition of Family Feud and on the game show Celebrity Hot Potato.

Peter Billingsley

Peter Billingsley brings A Christmas Story to the stage - Peter Billingsley is bringing a Christmas classic to the stage with A Christmas Story: The Musical. Where can you see this epic production? Read on! You might not remember Peter Billingsley as an actor, but you definitely remember his most famous film. “You’ll shoot your eye out!” Yes, Peter Billingsley is boy -- now adult -- that played the pink-bunny PJ clad Ralphie in A Christmas Story.

Peter Billingsley

Elf - Will Ferrell plays as the character Buddy in the 2003 film “Elf”. Buddy is a human raised to believe he was an Elf, in the Elf community of North Pole. Elf large size causes a stir in the Elf community, where Buddy realizes he doesn’t fit in. Elf moves to New York to find somewhere to fit in, and find his real father.

Peter Billingsley

WHAT A NIGHT! Last night was amazing! As you already know from this post, I am a huge fan of A Christmas Story. What you don't know is that I work closely with the stage adaptation of this show for my day job. The publishing company where I work holds the rights to this play, and now there is a new musical version! Last night, the entire staff was invited to attend opening night of A Christmas Story, The Musical! at The Chicago Theatre. It was AMAZING

Peter Billingsley

Couples Retreat - “Couples Retreat” isn’t really all that bad. Not exactly a ringing endorsement. In fact, not ringing enough to recommend, but it’s not terrible. Its main problem seems to be an identity crisis. It wants to be some sort of brainless raunchy comedy, but never seems to muster itself up to commit to it. Instead it feels obligated (as often we are in marriage) to treat its characters with respect and truly contemplate what it means to be a couple.

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