I finally got around to watching some of my screeners from the PGA. I first watched Julia and Julie. I wanted to see this when it first came out but never found the time so I was excited when I got the screener of it. It was exactly what I expected.. fun and entertaining. Both Streep and Adams were great in their roles. I love how it's based on two stories and those stories main characters never cross paths. There is a moment at the end that I thought they would be it never happens, which was kind of disappointing but "hey" it's a true story. This was a sweet, heartwarming movie and I highly recommend it.
The second the movie I watched was The Blind Side. I'm a HUGE Sandra

Bullock fan and love a good rags to riches story. This too is based on a true story and it involves football. I laughed and cried during this film. It was sweet, kind and charming. It lifted you up and knocked you down. But in the end it was a very heart warming story and showed that there are still good people left in this world. Of course I loved Sandra and thought she did an outstanding job. And it was fun to see Tim McGraw acting, I love his country music but he's a pretty good actor also. All around the cast was fantastic. I would highly recommend this film as well.
So two great movie, both very different and well worth seeing.