Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Halloween a Bust
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Second "little" brother outing
Monday, October 23, 2006
Car repairs
Well I took my Jeep to Midas to have the brakes checked and I know by the sound they were making that it wasn't going to be cheap. I left it there and walked to work and a few hours later the guy called and gave me the bad news. Both back brakes are fine.. but the two front brake pads and brake rotars needed to be replaced and they also wanted to flush out my brake fluid. When it comes to places like this you never know if they are really telling you the turth or not but since I haven't not dealt with my brakes since I have had the Jeep (over a year) I figure it wouldn't hurt to take care of it now. So I paid $500.00 to have my brakes fixed... man this was an expensive weekend.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Wall of Serenity

Saturday, October 21, 2006
Poltergeist and Wil Wheaton

After reading Wil Wheaton's Blog ( for those who don't know he played Wesley Crusher from Star Trek The Next Generation ), he mentioned that he was a huge fan of Poltergeist and that it was playing at a local theater in South Pasadena at Midnight. I have only seen Poltergeist in the Drive in back in 82 when it came out and thought it would be great to see it again in a movie theater. So my friend Bruce, Harry and I went to see this classic horror movie. Not many people were there about 30 or so and I expect many more but it was a lot of fun. An extra surprise was that Wil Wheaton and his wife sat right in front of us. Both Bruce and I held back our geeky fanboy reaction and enjoyed the movie. I was so tired but it was well worth it... great fun.
When it Rains it Pours
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
No Season Two of Gene Simmons For Me
Sunday, October 15, 2006
"Little" Outing
Well today was my first outing with my new "little" brother Nico, he's 8. The funny thing is his older brother also got a new "Big" brother the same day and we both got there at the same time to pick up our "little’s".
Nico and I went to Sherman Oaks Castle Park. He loves golf and video games so I thought this would be the perfect place. We played two rounds of miniature golf, and he isn't bad. He got the only hole in one shot of the day. After golf we went inside and played a few video games, we played some ice hockey and then a two player X-men fighting game. We decided to take a break from video games and had some lunch. I got a burger and fries and he wanted pizza. You could buy it by the slice so I asked for one slice for him.. but he said he wanted two. I knew there was no way he was going to eat two slice, they were pretty big slices, but I also knew he didn't get breakfast. Well I was right.. he ate half a slice and wanted to take the rest home. Oh well .. now I know how much food to get him while we are out. After lunch we decided to play games that would give up tickets, you get enough tickets and you can redeem them for small prizes. We played and played and amassed about 465 tickets. So Nico had fun spending all of them and of course got a bunch on small toys and tootsie rolls. It was a fun time and a great first outing.Wednesday, October 11, 2006
New "little" Brother
Hey Everyone.. once again I am a "Big Brother" After my previous little brother moved to Idaho in August I have been waiting patiently to be re-assigned to another little brother. Well today I met with a possible "little" named Nico. He is 8 years old and into your typical 8 year old stuff. And since I'm a big kid myself, we hit off right away and both mother and child liked me so we made it official. So now I have a new "little" brother named Nico. Our first meeting is this coming Sunday... can't wait.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
TV season so far

Well it's been a few weeks since the new TV season has started. I have really tried to limit myself on how much TV I am watching. Many years ago I was up to about 35 hours a week and the past few years I have widdled it down less and less. Last year with all the good sci fi on TV it went back up a bit, but this year I am once again trying to slim down.
I don't watch any network shows on Tuesday, Friday and Saturday.
Sunday I watch Extreme Makeover Home Edition, Amazing Race, Simpsons and Family Guy. Those are all continuations from last year, nothing new.
Monday is Heroes and Studio 60 both of these are new shows and Heroes is by far my favorite new show this season. If you aren't watching it.. you're missing out on some great TV, it's about ordinary people with extraordinary powers. Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip is okay, it's an Aaron Sorkin show, and I loved The West Wing so I thought I would give it a try. It's a good show but if I missed an episode I wouldn't be that upset.. unlike missing Heroes I would bend over backwards to find a copy of the episode.Wednesday is The Biggest Loser, Jericho, Lost and The Nine. The Biggest Loser I have watched the past few years and again if I miss one it's not a huge deal. Jericho is a new series and I'm giving it a chance. It's about a nuclear disaster and the going ons in a small town cut off from everything. The idea is cool but some of the stuff seems very unrealistic, I'm going to give it a few more episodes before I decide to drop it or not. Of course there is Lost, this is its third season and this is one of my favorite TV shows currently on. Only been one episode so far.. but it was pretty good. Another new series that's on after Lost is The Nine. The only reason I'm watching it is because it's on after Lost. The first episode was pretty good but I'm not sure how far they can take it. Again.. it was good enough to make me want to come back for another episode.. but didn't knock me over like Heroes.
Thursday is Survivor and CSI. I have seen every season of Survivor and still enjoying it. CSI we tape but haven’t really watched. It's a great series but that was one that we fell behind on and once you get behind it's hard to catch back up.So that's pretty much it. I watch a few cable shows like Little People, Big World on TLC and Eureka on Sci fi, which just ended. So this TV season there is really only one new show that is a must for me, Heroes. Lost, Extreme Makeover Home Edition, Survivor, Amazing Race, Little People, Big World, Simpsons and Family Guy are other returning shows that are a must but everything else I may or may not continue to watch.
WATCH HEROES... Monday 9pm on NBC