Well today I took my jeep in to get an alarm installed. I have been wanting to do this since I bought it back in September, but things kept popping up and funds have been unavailable. Well today was the day, I took it in and paid $700.00 to have install very cool alarm. Of course I find out that none of the doors are electrical so they couldn't install the automatic door openers and a few of the extra opinions weren't available. But I did get the perimeter sensor since my Jeep can be topless and I don't want people to be able to grab anything from inside my jeep. So while this was going to take four to five hours to install I decided that I would have lunch with a friend and go to the movies. I wanted to see Superman Returns ( I know I can't believe I haven't seen it yet either), but it wasn't playing anymore so instead I went and saw Zoom with Tim Allen. I thought it was a cute movie. Kind of like Sky High but with less of a story. It seems just when this movie gets going it ends. Also the final battle is about two minutes and resolved way to quickly. I like the idea of the movie just needed more of it.