About 4:30am I heard Homer Simpson say "the mail, the mail is here" which is my notification ring when I have a text message or voicemail. I heard him three times and knew it would drive me crazy so I got up and checked it and it was a voicemail from one of my
AE's from Deadliest Catch and she was having major issues with the Unity system (hard drives). I was half a sleep but think I did a good job at communicating what needed to be done. There was a chance that I would have to drive over to fix it and I was not looking forward to it. I had had about three hours sleep so far. Luckily I was able to figure a work around so she could do her work and I didn't have to drive in. So I went back to bed and it felt like I was asleep for two minutes when my alarm went off and I have to get ready for work.
Today we were locking our very first episode of season five. I knew it was going to be a busy day but I had no idea what was in store. Both Jeremy (my day
AE) and I were running ragged all day. Between computer issues, things not being done correctly and just plain craziness this day dragged on and on. It was our TV night but I had to cancel because I knew I would be stuck at work. Jeremy finally said go home at 9pm and that he would finish up. So I left and he stayed another hour and a half... man I hate days like these.
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